Databas procedurer


  • SQLBuilder.buildSQL(…)
  • DURING TESTING = System.out.println(sb.toString());
  • DURING LIVE = BuilderDataManager.updateSQL(sb.toString(), rinfoid, uemp, tablename, prodplace);
  • Only one should be present at a time.
  • BuildDataManager.getRecInfo(…)
  • Here we shall change connection depending of testing or not
  • getConnection(); = test against LIVE
  • getConnectionDEV(); = test against DEV
  • getInternalConnection(); = LIVE in database
  • Connection conn = getConnection();

Övriga procedurer

  • OCRBuilder, metod: buildOCR(String ocr)
  • calcsample, metod: getSelProfileHits(String sql, String dbuser, String autitem15)
  • campaignbuilder, metod: buildCampaing(int id, String uemp, String tablename, int prodcode)
  • descrbuildernoitem, metod: buildDescrStr(inte item, int operand, Stringa value, String lang, int codetype, int showcode) används bl.a i descrbuilder webapp
  • (descrbuilder, metod: buildDescrString(int item, int operand, String value, String lang, int codetype)) Används??
  • sqlinsert, metod: insertSQL(String sql)
  • wordwrapper, metod wordWrapper(String text, int string_cut, int returnrow, String delimiter)
  • autprivatebauetext, metod: buildAutPrivatebaueText(Long prevcode, String prop2, String releasedate, String cstartdate)
  • (alias_sqlbuilder, metod: buildSQL(int rinfoid, String uemp, String tablename, String prodplace)) TEST version, kan vara nyligen uppdaterade saker i sqlbuilder som saknas här

OBS! Vid deploy till databasen, se till att det är den interna drivaren som används inte den externa (brukar orsaka security eller socket exception om man har fel drivare

database_procedures.txt · Last modified: 2012/04/25 10:53 by
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