====== Howto run IBAU import manually ====== If we have to run the import routine again, here are the steps to follow ===== Delete file ===== - Locate the already download file on brut and delete it - cd /usr/local/xmldata/ibau - ls -lart - {{:ibau_file_to_delete.png|Ordered List Item}} - In this example it's the highlighted //**"2010-12-17_ibau_projects.xml"**// we shall delete. (Note: The error this time was missing projects, look the diffrence in the filesize) - rm 2010-12-17_ibau_projects.xml ===== Setup SOAPUI ===== - Start a browser and go to : http://www.soapui.org/ - Find and start "Webstart Now", then we always get the latest version of the application. - When the application is started, right-click the "Projects" node and choose "New soapUI Project" - In the next dialog name the project "IBAU Import" and paste this url http://apps.docuonline.com:8080/ApplicationLayer/IBAUService?wsdl into "Initial WSDL/WADL". - {{:ibau_start_soapui.png|}} - Press "OK" - Open (double-click) the "Request 1" from the "importIBAUProjects" method/node - Fill the request exactly (except the date) like below picture - {{:ibau_start_executing.png|}} - IMPORTANT that all questionmarks is being removed ===== Tail the log and Start the import ===== - From the terminal: cd /usr/java/EnterprisePlatform-4.3.0.GA/jboss-as/server/production/log - tail -f server.log - soapUI: Submit the green little "arrow" in the top-left-corner of the request. - Check that the log prints out information. - The import should take about 1-2 hours.